
Last Updated on 04/12/2024


About us: Shufflebuy is a classified listings App with pictures and video content. (“Service”)

Acceptance: Your relationship with the us shall be governed by this Disclaimer, and our Terms & Conditions, Community Guidelines and Privacy Policy statement displayed on the App and Website. By accessing and/or using our platform, you accept and agree with this Disclaimer, and all our terms and conditions as applicable to you.


a) While using our platform and our services, you may encounter listings or content or information (including photos, videos, sound and text) that are posted by our users/members. Therefore, there is a likelihood that such information or content or listing could be inaccurate, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful. Shufflebuy cannot always prevent misuse of our services. Therefore, you agree that we are only an intermediary platform, and are not liable or responsible for such content or information or listing or any of the misrepresentation or quality concerning the products in such listings. If you want to purchase any of the products shown in the listings, the sale of contract will be strictly a bi-partite contract between you and the seller. Payments through our platform can be monitored by us, any issues should first be directed at the seller, followed by contacting our support team.

b) Shufflebuy may help connect sellers with the buyers. If you are a seller offering certain products, you hereby represent and warrant that you have all the required licenses and approvals, and that your listings comply with our Community Guidelines.

c) Similarly, Shufflebuy does provide a “Meet Up” feature, which helps users find a place to meet. However, you agree that (1) Shufflebuy does not supervise or ensure the safety of the meeting or the location of the meeting; (2) Shufflebuy is not responsible for the conduct of any of the users at such meetings, (3) Shufflebuy does not endorse the meeting; (4) Shufflebuy does not take any guarantee or warranty in respect of the any of the user, and has not conducted any background check on any of the users. Therefore, please attend such meetings with great caution and at your own risk. You are solely responsible for your own safety, and we suggest you take all the necessary steps and deliberate 10 times before deciding to meet or enter into any transaction with any stranger.

d) We are only an intermediary platform that connects you with other users of our platform. You acknowledge and undertake that you are accessing the services on the platform and transacting at your own risk and are using your best and prudent judgment before entering into any such transactions. We do not verify the authenticity of any of our users or any information or content or listing posted by them, and therefore we disclaim all warranties or guarantees in this respect whatsoever. We shall neither be liable nor responsible for any actions or inactions of any of the user, nor for any breach of conditions, representations or warranties by the users, and hereby expressly disclaim and any all responsibility and liability in that regard. We shall not mediate or resolve or be a party to any dispute or disagreement between the you and the other user.

e) The App and the Website is provided on an “as-is” basis, and Shufflebuy (and our licensors and affiliates) expressly disclaims any and all warranties and conditions of any kind, whether express, implied, or statutory, including all warranties or conditions of quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, quiet enjoyment, accuracy, or non-infringement of the services or listings listed on our App or Site. We make no warranty that the App or Site will meet your requirements, will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis, or will be accurate, reliable, free of viruses or other harmful code, complete, legal, or safe.

f) You hereby waive your right to sue us for any content or message or listing or conduct of the other user, or for any other actions, inactions or breach by such user.

Contact Us: For any query or assistance, please write us at support@shufflebuy.com